
updated 2024-07-17

Your ticket includes

  • 7 hours leveled workshops
  • 2 hours all-level workshops
  • 3 parties
  • access to competitions
Type Prices
Full Pass 160€/180€/200€
Allstar Pass 80€/90€/100€
Free Pass Workshop Upgrade 60€/70€/80€

Prices go up depending on already sold tickets.


per during registration at the event
History Jack & Jill competitor 5 € 5 €
WSDC Jack & Jill competitor 17 € 20€
Switch competitor 17 € 20€

  • If you have won a Free Pass, please choose the free pass option and put the event into the field "voucher code". Free passes underlie the same restrictions as all tickets (availability & role balance). Free passes do not include workshops, you can upgrade to a full pass.

  • Everyone needs to sign up with a signup partner. All registrations without partner will be put on the waitinglist. (You can either book both tickets in 1 registration OR each person can sign up by themselves. IMPORTANT! Putting the name in the "signup partner" field does NOT count as registration for that person!)

  • Signing up with role "both": no sign-up partner needed, you are expected to dance in the role that is missing in the workshops. We expect you to dance both roles on partys.

  • All-Star discounted passes: Division at the time of purchase counts. Holder of discounted passes might be ask to judge some competitions. If you don't want that, please purchase a full pass.


Pre Party

Thursday Evening, we are having a pre party at the event venue. Cover 15 € (incl. Workshop)

Please check the schedule for details.